Friday, April 4, 2008



The movie Zeitgeist suggests that religion is nothing more than a pattern of false prophets and plagiarized mythical stories repeated throughout the centuries. It claims that belief in deities and higher powers have led to the ignorance of billions of people. It argues that messiahs such as Jesus of Nazareth are fictional figures and their powers are nothing but misinterpreted events of the stars in the sky.

Such claims are interesting but really, how much of this can one believe. The movie is so one-sided and has so many holes in its argument, it is simply a sad attempt to corrupt the faith and confidence that so many have found in God; the same faith and confidence that is responsible for so many spiritual triumphs and has given countless individuals unbreakable spiritual strength.

It is impossible for one to conclude that religion is a fairy tale based of this weak argument. Because of its irrelevant evidence, false knowledge, and untold truths Zeitgeist has proven to be a pitiful attempt to damper the faiths of believers all over the world. These are the believers who have the power of the world’s oldest and most inspirational book ever known to man on their side. More importantly, these believers also have the advantage and power of truth.

Irrelevant Evidence:

The movie claims that the Egyptian god Horus is the sun god. Horus was actually the sky god and Ra was the sun god, therefore, any part of the argument relating to Horus is irrelevant.

Zeitgeist also attempts to make parallels between Jesus and the sun by emphasizing the quotes "the sun of God" and "the son of God". The movie goes further into detail by saying that the two are linked together solely because they sound the same. The narrator even goes as far as to say that Jesus's entire life was built around the sun and the astrological pattern of the stars insinuating that Jesus himself never even existed. The two homonyms "son" and "sun", however, only sound alike in the English language and no where else so this part of Zeitgeists argument is completely irrelevant and shows just how ignorant the writers of the movie really are.

False Knowledge:

Narrators of the movie Zeitgeist claim that a long list of religious deities share a common birth pattern by all being born of a virgin. Among this list was Horus of Egypt and Mithra of Persia. However, Horus's mother Isis had sex with the corpse of his father Orsis to give birth to him and Mithra was said to have sprung full grown from a rock. Neither of the two were born of a Virgin as told in the movie. Also the movie tries to link other similarities among deities such as the same number of followers but Jesus had 12 followers whereas Horus had 4. These facts alone take away a large majority of the argument on religion in Zeitgeist and Jesus, Mithra, and Horus are not the only deities linked together with incorrect knowledge.

Untold Truths:

In the movie, the narrator claims that Jesus Christ and a host of other religious deities share the same date of birth, December 25th. They use this to argue against the validity of these deities and their existence by claiming that the only reason they have the same birthday is because of the winter solstice. Evidently the producers of Zeitgeist have never actually read the scriptures or understood them correctly...Christ was actually born in the fall and the writers of Zeitgeist fail to mention that Constantine was the one who ordered Christmas to be celebrated on the winter solstice. If the writers couldn't even get Jesus's birthday right, how can we trust the "facts" they have on the other deities?

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